Monday, November 24, 2008

Arab meeting on Information, Communication technology to start in Damascus

Yemen is set to take part in the meeting of Arab ministers of Information and Communication and Information Technology to be held in the Syrian capital Damascus on 17 November. Information Minister Hassan Ahmad al-Lawzi , head of the Yemeni delegation to the meeting, said the significance of the meeting comes because of the issues it will discuss in light of new challenges imposed by accelerating advancements in modern media, communications technology, information revolution, and integration processes growing among these triple dimensions.

The meeting will deal with activating decisions of the World Summit on information technology, particularly on the Arab arena as well as the relationship that should be strongly built between the information and communication sectors in the Arab World at the country and national levels to serve economic and political development.

The meeting will look into the needs of Arab media and the importance of its participation through learning from available potentials provided by the communication technology to achieve stated goals and convey its message currently and in the future with the aim for the Arab media to integrate and cope with the technology development, he said. " The most important topic at the meeting would be the issues of launching new fields for mutual cooperation among Arab media in the field of providing non-profit community service especially in areas such as culture, education and health." He said.

The Yemeni delegation will present a paper on the Arab Electronic Government aiming at investing new assumptions of information technology and communication, in addition to achievements of digital integration aimed at providing knowledge visual and audible services, through establishing an Arab common database that will be provided with modern ways by every Arab country electronic government. Al-Lwazi said the project will make it easy to access the Arabic website to find all information linked to crucial issues and topics. The minister added the scientific project will provide basic and important services that will help benefiting from available information in various development areas, in addition to facilitating ways of using them.

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